Contact Lens are used to correct refractive error of eye to give clear vision..cosmetic contact lenses are used for beautification of face ..

1. Lens power calculationContact your optician or opthalmologist for proper contact lense power calculation as per your refractive error2. How can we take care of the lenses to maintain healthy vision?- maintain proper hand( wash hands with soap ) hygeine before applying or removing CL- do not overuse CL for extra long period- change CL pair as per schedule ( daily disposable - daily , monthly disposable - every 3 weeks ) - do not sleep or swim or do…

Types of Cataracts

Understanding the Different Types of Cataractsमोतीबिंदू (कॅटरॅक्ट) म्हणजे डोळ्यातील नैसर्गिक भिंग(लेन्स) धूसर, ढगाळ अथवा अपारदर्शक होणे. उत्तम दृष्टी करता लेन्स पूर्णपणे पारदर्शक असणे आवश्यक असते. सामान्यपणे, डोळ्यावर पडणारी प्रकाश किरणे डोळ्याच्या समोरील पडद्यावर म्हणजेच कॉर्नियावर पडून त्यानंतर बाहुलीमधून नैसर्गिक भिंगाद्वारे डोळ्याच्या मागील पडद्यावर म्हणजेच रेटीनावर केंद्रीत होतात. रेटीना त्यांना संकेताच्या स्वरूपात डोळ्याच्या मज्जातंतूमार्फत मेंदूकडे पोहचवण्याचे कार्य करतो. जेव्हा लेन्सची पारदर्शकता कमी होते म्हणजेच मोतीबिंदू होतो तेव्हा डोळ्यावर पडणारी प्रकाशकिरणे रेटिनापर्यंत पोहोचण्यास अडथळा निर्माण होतो आणि रुग्णाला अस्पष्ट दिसू लागते. हा अस्पष्टपणा…

Nd:Yag Laser Capsulotomy: An unsung hero

Nd: Yag Laser Capsulotomy: An unsung hero Nd YAG laser capsulotomy is an outpatient procedure done in patients post-cataract surgery who have developed posterior capsule opacification.When a patient has cataract surgery, the ophthalmologist removes the eye’s cloudy lens and replaces it with a clear, artificial intraocular lens (IOL). The IOL is held in place in the eye’s natural lens capsule. Weeks, months or years later, this capsule can become cloudy or wrinkled, causing blurry vision. This is called posterior capsule opacification…

Understanding diabetes related Eye Disease – i.e. Diabetic Retinopathy

Understanding diabetes-related eye disease - Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetes can manifest itself through several ophthalmic conditions.Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the most prevalent and is characterised by damage to the retinal blood vessels due to chronically high glucose levels and can lead to blindness. Detection at an early stage would help in preventing permanent vision loss.SYMPTOMSDR is the most common cause of blindness in the working-age population worldwide. Many patients will remain asymptomatic, even in the presence of proliferative disease. Most patients will only present after developing…

Patient education: Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

What is retinopathy of prematurity?Retinopathy of prematurity (also called “ROP”) is an eye condition that happens in babies who are born very early. In ROP, extra blood vessels grow inside the eye. They can damage the tissue at the back of the eye, called the “Retina“. This part of the eye contains the cells that react to light. Damage to the retina can cause vision problems and even blindness.Incidence — ROP affects a substantial number of preterm infants worldwide. Both the incidence…