Contact Lens are used to correct refractive error of eye to give clear vision..cosmetic contact lenses are used for beautification of face ..

1. Lens power calculation

Contact your optician or opthalmologist for proper contact lense power calculation as per your refractive error

2. How can we take care of the lenses to maintain healthy vision?

– maintain proper hand( wash hands with soap ) hygeine before applying or removing CL
– do not overuse CL for extra long period
– change CL pair as per schedule ( daily disposable – daily , monthly disposable – every 3 weeks )
– do not sleep or swim or do underwater activities with CL
– in case of any irritation or redness in eyes with CL , IMMEDIATELY go to eye doctor .it could be sight threghtening

3. How does screen time & modern lifestyle affect the health of the lenses?
. Overuse can damage cornea of eye by risk of infection
. Over screen use with CL can lead to severe dryness eyes which can hamper your vision
.exposure to polluted air or dust while using CL ,can lead to allergic eye diseases which can permanently damage cornea

4. What dietary changes or habits can help maintain a healthy lens?

Balanced diet with vit A and E enriched food can prevent dryness of eyes

Suppliments like omega fatty acid can help to protect ocular surface

Multiple eye nutrients suppliments on regular basis , can take care of overall eye health

5. What are smart contact lenses, and could they eventually replace natural lenses?

Smart contact lenses can not replace natural lense hense taking proper care and preventing unwanted complications related to CL overuse is recommended.

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