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There are several common conditions that affect the cornea. Small injuries/abrasions on the cornea usually heal on their own. Deep scratches/injuries can use corneal scarring and vision problems.


The cornea is the clear outer layer at the front of the eye. The cornea helps your eye to focus light so you can see clearly.

What are the different types of corneal dystrophies?

Corneal dystrophies are eye diseases that involve changes in the cornea (the clear front layer of your eye). These diseases usually run in families. Most corneal dystrophies are progressive — they get worse over time. Some cause vision loss or pain, but some have no symptoms. The only way to know for sure if you have a corneal dystrophy is to get a comprehensive dilated eye exam. Your eye doctor will use a microscope with a bright light attached (called a slit lamp) to check your eyes for signs of corneal dystrophies.

Appointment Call


Symptoms of Corneal Problem

Treatments for Corneal Problem


Keratitis can be caused by infections or non infectious entities like associated lid infection, allergies, autoimmune diseases.

Dry eye

Dry eye happens when your eyes don’t make enough tears to stay wet. This can be uncomfortable and may cause vision problems.